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Partner Travelife

We are very happy to announce that we were awarded the Travelife Partner award at the ITB in Berlin this evening. The award recognizes Kamstra Travel’s long-term efforts in sustainability and corporate social responsibility.

Kamstra Travel meets more than 100 criteria, covering a travel company’s office management, product offering, international business partners and customer information. The Travelife standard covers the ISO 26000 corporate social responsibility themes, including environment, biodiversity, human rights and labor relations; and is formally recognized as fully compliant with the UN-supported Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria.



Mr. Naut Kusters, Travelife manager for Tour Operators, “I am delighted to see sustainability gaining momentum in the travel industry. Kamstra Travel’s award will inspire other companies in the Netherlands to follow the same path “.

Travelife, established with support from the European Commission, is the leading international sustainability certification for the travel industry. More than 35 national travel organizations promote the program among their members, including ABTA, UHPA, SMAL, APAVT, and the ANVR.

More info on Travelife here.

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