+31 (0)595 516000 info@kamstra-travel.nl

Sustainability policy


This policy outlines what we have already managed and what we are currently doing in the
field of sustainability. It defines practices at the core of our business operations, product
development and external partner relationships. It is a work in progress for everyone in our

1. Sustainability Management & Legal compliance
We commit to sustainability management, practiced by these following actions:
✓ To have an appointed employee who is responsible for sustainability coordinator
✓ To have a sustainability mission statement that is communicated to customers,
partners and suppliers on the website;
✓ To have an accessible and written sustainability policy that aims for a reduction of the
negative social, cultural, economic and environmental impacts of the company’s
activities; and includes employee related health and safety aspects;
✓ To conduct baseline assessment of the company’s performance on sustainable
✓ To have sustainability action plan with clear targets, actions, measures,
responsibilities and time planning;
✓ To ensure company’s transparency in sustainability by public reporting and
✓ To ensure that all staff are fully aware of our Sustainability Policy and are committed
to implementing and improving it.
We commit to complying with all national legislation, regulations and codes of practice.

2. Internal management: social policy & human rights
We commit to sustainable internal management by having clear written and well communicated social policy that includes the following principles:
✓ To grant employees the freedom of employment and contract termination with
notice and without penalty
✓ To include labor conditions according to national labor law and a job description in
the employment contract;
✓ Wage rate is to be mentioned in the contract and equals or above the national legal
✓ To determinate and compensate of overtime working hours based on agreement;
✓ To provide medical and liability insurance according to the national law;
✓ To grant employees fixed paid yearly holiday and sick leave and unpaid annual leave
✓ To have first aid sets and trained staff are available at all relevant locations;
✓ To obey national concerning Minimum Age for Admission to Employment;
✓ To create opportunities for students in participating in
We commit to practice human rights by ensure the enforcement of following practices:
✓ To declare not to hinder trade union membership, collective labor negotiations and
representation of members by trade unions;
✓ To participate and comply with a (sector wide) collective labor condition negotiation
structure (if locally existing)
✓ To prohibit discriminations, regard to recruitment, conditions of employment, access
to training and senior positions, or promotion in terms of gender, race, age, disability,
ethnicity, religion/beliefs or sexual orientation;

3. Internal Management: Environment and community relations
We commit to practice environmental protection and enhance community relations by
ensuring the enforcement of following practices:
✓ Actively reduce the use of disposable and consumer goods;
✓ Favor the purchase of sustainable goods and services, office and catering supply,
giveaways and merchandise;
✓ Set copy and printing machines by default to double-sided printing or other forms of
paper saving modes;
✓ Use cleaning materials which are non-hazardous, non-eutrophic and biodegradable
and are certified with an eco-label, if locally available;
✓ Print brochures on environmentally friendly paper, with a printing company that
works with a certified environmental management system, if locally available at
reasonable costs;
✓ Implement measurements to reduce brochure wastage or an ‘internet only’ policy;
✓ Have an active commitment to measure, monitor and reduce energy consumption;
✓ Purchase green energy and energy efficient lighting for all areas, when available;
✓ Switch off Lights and equipment when not in use, use automatic switch on/off system
with timers or movement sensors and set equipment by default in the energy saving
mode, where this is feasible;
✓ Prefer low energy equipment when buying new items, including considerations of
cost and quality;
✓ Have an active policy to reduce water consumption, implemented and monitored on
a monthly or yearly basis for benchmark purposes;
✓ Use sustainable water sourcing, which does not adversely affect environmental flows;
✓ Install water saving equipment in toilets, re-use waste water and/or collected
✓ Comply with the national legislation concerning waste disposal;
✓ Develop and implement a solid waste reduction and recycling policy, with
quantitative goals;
✓ Take measures to reduce the amount of packaging materials and not provide nonrecyclable or non-biodegradable package materials;
✓ Take action to reduce the amount of (non-refillable) plastic bottles of drinking water
for office use;
✓ Separate all materials which can be recycled and organize collection and proper
✓ Implement waste reducing methods when using ink and toner cartridges for printing
and copying, whenever feasible;
✓ Recycle or properly dispose of batteries;
✓ Minimize and substitute the use of harmful substances and manage properly the
storage, handling and disposal of chemicals;
✓ Measure and reduce staff related travel and use more sustainable modes of
transport. Calculate its emissions, with the aim to reduce and compensate, through a
reliable locally available program;
✓ Encourage employees to use public transport or sustainable means of transport;

✓ Reduce transport related impacts by tele-work, tele/video meetings, work-at-home
policies or other means;
✓ Provide periodic guidance, training and/or information to all staff members, about
their roles and responsibilities with respect to internal environmental practices;
✓ Contribute to the protection and preservation of local historical, archaeological,
culturally, and spiritually important properties and sites, and not impede access to
them by local residents;

4. External management: Suppliers (Accomodations, Attractions, Transport,
Excursions, Tour Guides)
We try to achieve a tourism supply chain that is more sustainable. Suppliers play an important
role in achieving this, and are stimulated and motivated to adapt sustainable practices. We
commit to this by;
✓ Clearly and actively communicating our sustainability regarding to contracted and
other relevant suppliers bij website, email, social media, phone, meetings;
✓ Considering and giving preference to more sustainable alternatives when selecting
suppliers that comply with sustainability and quality standards and that work with
internationally acknowledged certifications, taking into account price, comfort, and
practical considerations;
✓ Integrating and/or promoting one or more sustainable products/packages, including
sustainable transport, sustainable accommodations, and sustainable activities.
✓ Not offering any service of a supplier that harm humans, animals, plants, natural
resources such as water and energy, or which are socially and culturally
✓ Send a sustainability questionnaire to suppliers to gain insight in their practises and
keeping a list of the sustainability practices of accommodations and agents;

5. External management: Customer communication and protection
We ensure clear and constant communication and we try to stimulate to sustainable
Comply with relevant standards and voluntary codes of conduct in marketing and advertising
messages, and not promise more than is delivered;
✓ Make product and price information clear, complete and accurate, with regard to the
company and its products and services, including sustainability claims;
✓ Informing customers about the travel companies’ sustainability policy
✓ Ensure that customer privacy is not compromised;
✓ Keep a contact person and a telephone number permanently available for emergency
✓ Advising customers on behaviour standards during excursions and activities with a
focus on respecting the local culture, nature, and environment;
✓ Measure systematically client satisfaction and take into account the results, for
service and product improvements;
✓ Have clear procedures in case of complaints from clients
