+31 (0)595 516000 info@kamstra-travel.nl

Sustainable tourism

With care for people and planet

We operate our tours with consideration for people and planet whenever possible. That’s why we have engaged Travellife. Travelife is an internationally recognized training, management, and certification program for sustainability in tourism. We started the process to achieve Travellife certification earlier this year so that we actually become sustainable in an effective way and not just on paper. Want to know more? Follow our journey to greening in the travel industry via our website and our socials. 


We have engaged Travelife, a leading training, management and certification initiative for tourism companies committed to reaching sustainability. This means that Kamstra meets more than 100 criteria, covering a travel company’s office management, product offering, international business partners and customer information. The Travelife standard covers the ISO 26000 corporate social responsibility themes, including environment, biodiversity, human rights and labor relations; and is formally recognized as fully compliant with the UN-supported Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria.

1. We have a sustainability policy which we use as a guideline for our business operations, product development and external partner relations.

2. We have appointed an internal sustainability coordinator who monitors these measures and, together with a working group, is responsible for moving towards a situation where our companies have zero negative impact on people & planet.

3. We have taken measures in our internal business operations aimed at reducing all forms of environmental impact and energy consumption as far as possible and limiting waste streams.

4. We increasingly develop products that contain only components that are sustainable in themselves and that are provided by suppliers with a proven sustainability policy (recognised certified).


5. We map which suppliers have a sustainability policy and explicitly give preference to these partners, taking into account the nature, price and location of the product. This includes accommodations, transport companies, excursion companies, attractions and guide companies. (In some cases, such as transport companies, the price differences of alternative transport (electric or hydrogen) with regular transport are still such that switching is not economically feasible).

6. We inform and advise both suppliers and customers about our sustainability policy through website, email, socials and meetings and try to motivate and encourage where possible.

